Perform Manual Hardening for Versa Branches, Controllers, and Hubs
For supported software information, click here.
This article describes the Versa recommended procedure for performing manual hardening on Versa Operating SystemTM (VOSTM) branch, controller, and hub devices. System hardening ensures that Versa products are secure when running in customer networks.
The hardening procedures described in this article are common for all types of devices, unless specified otherwise.
Disable the eth0 Interface
For branch devices only.
After you perform initial provisioning, the eth0 out-of-band management interface on a branch device is not required for normal operation.
To disable the eth0 interface:
- Log in to the device CLI.
- Disable the interface:
admin@Branch-cli(config)% set interfaces eth-0/0 disabled
- Commit:
admin@Branch-cli(config)% commit
Use Signed SSL Certificates
By default, Versa devices have a self-signed and autogenerated certificate bound to a process on the eth0 out-of-band interface. In normal branch, controller, or hub device operation, this certificate is not used. However, because of normal security requirements, a production equipment requires a valid and signed certificate if the eth0 interface is enabled.
Note: Enabling secure mode has consequences for the procedures described in this article. It is advisable that you verify the working condition of all system functions before you enable secure mode.
To enable SSL certificates:
- Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) by issuing the openssl command:
[admin@Hub-1: ~] $ mkdir /home/admin/certs [admin@Hub-1: ~] $ chmod 700 /home/admin/certs [admin@Hub-1: ~] $ cd /home/admin/certs [admin@Hub-1: certs] $ openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout controller.key -out controller.csr Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key .....+++ ................................................................................................................+++ writing new private key to 'server.key' ----- You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request. What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank For some fields there will be a default value, If you enter '.', the field will be left blank. ----- Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:IL Locality Name (eg, city) []:Downers Grove Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Versa Networks Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:Lab Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) [] Email Address []: Please enter the following 'extra' attributes to be sent with your certificate request A challenge password []:password123 An optional company name []:
- Copy the server.csr file to the Certificate Authority (CA) and sign it. Note that the signed certificate must be in PEM file format.
- Copy the signed certificate and CA certificate to the /var/tmp directory. Note that you must use this directory.
- Install the SSL certificate:
$ sudo mv /home/admin/certs/signed-certificate /opt/versa/var/cert/vshost.crt $ sudo mv /home/admin/certs/private-key /opt/versa/var/cert/vshost.key $ sudo mv /home/admin/certs/CA-certificate /opt/versa/var/cert/ca.crt
- Change the permissions of the certificates:
$ sudo chmod 644 /opt/versa/var/cert/vshost.crt $ sudo chmod 644 /opt/versa/var/cert/vshost.key $ sudo chmod 644 /opt/versa/var/cert/ca.crt
- Restart Versa services:
$ vsh restart
- Securely back up and store the certificate and private key files generated in Steps 1 and 3 to a secure location using the scp command.
- Delete the certificate and private key files generated in Steps 1 and 3 so that the private key in not left for anyone to read.
Enable SSH Banners
- Copy the banner text to the /opt/versa/etc/ file.
- Change the file ownership to versa:versa:
versa@analytics1:~$ sudo chown versa:versa /opt/versa/etc/
- Replace the SSH banner with the text in the file:
admin@director1$ sudo sed -i -e 's/#Banner.*/Banner \/opt\/versa\/etc\/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- Restart the SSH service:
admin@director1$ sudo service ssh restart
Update OS Security Pack
To harden the branch, controller, or hub device security, regularly update the Director nodes to the latest OS SPack. For more information, see Use OS Security Packages.
Configure NTP
You configure the Network Time Protocol (NTP) and the timezone to use in the network so that all devices in the network operate on the same time. Time synchronization is important so that the timestamps in log files match across all devices. Also, there are cryptographic requirements for time synchronization.
To configure an NTP server for a device:
- Restart Versa services:
$ vsh restart
- In the Director view:
- Select the Configuration tab in the top menu bar.
- Select Templates > Device Templates in the horizontal menu bar.
- Select an organization in the left navigation panel.
- Select a device from the main pane. The view changes to Appliance view.
- Select the Configuration tab in the top menu bar.
- Select Others
> System > Time & Date > Time Settings in the left menu bar
- Click the
Edit icon. The Edit Time Settings window displays.
- In the Timezone field, select the timezone.
- Click NTP and enter information for the NTP server.
- Click OK.
For more information, see Configure Time Settings.
Configure DNS Servers
Many security exploits rely on injecting invalid Domain Name System (DNS) servers into the device to redirect resolution queries to a foreign DNS server. The DNS configuration described here forces a DNS server to be input to the device template to reduce DNS-based attacks.
To configure a DNS server:
- In Director view:
- Select the Configuration tab in the top menu bar.
- Select Templates > Device Templates in the horizontal menu bar.
- Select an organization in the left navigation bar.
- Select a device from the main panel. The view changes to Appliance view.
- Select the Configuration tab in the top menu bar.
- Select Others
> System > Domain Name Servers in the left menu bar. The main pane displays the configured DNS servers.
- Click the
Edit icon to configure a DNS server.
- Enter information in the Edit DNS window. For more information, see Configure DNS Servers.
- Click OK.
Verify the Software Version
For the best performance of all SD-WAN components, Versa Networks recommends that all components run the same software version. For more information, see Perform Manual Hardening for Versa Director.
Enable TACACS+ or RADIUS Authentication
It is recommended that you enable centralized authentication using TACACS+ or RADIUS, and you can enable them at the device level.
Enable Centralized Authentication
It is recommended that you enable centralized authentication on all Versa devices, using either TACACS+ or RADIUS for authentication.
To enable centralized authentication:
- In Director view:
- Select the Configuration tab in the top menu bar.
- Select Templates > Device Templates in the horizontal menu bar.
- Select a device template in the main pane. The view changes to Appliance view.
- Select the Configuration tab in the top menu bar.
- Select Others
> System > Appliance User Management > External AAA in the left menu bar.
- Click the
Edit icon. In the Edit External AAA popup window, enter information for the following fields.
Field Description Protocol Select the protocol: - RADIUS
Authentication Order Select the order of authorization: - local-then-remote
- remote-then-local
Action Click to select the AAA action:
- Accounting
- Authentication
- Both
Server (Group of Fields) - Key
Enter the password to use to access the server. - IP Address
Enter the IP address of the server. - Routing Instance
Select the routing instance to use to reach the AAA server.
Enable TACACS+ or RADIUS Authentication at the Device Level
- In Director view:
- Select the Configuration tab in the top menu bar.
- Select Devices > Devices in the horizontal menu bar.
- Select a Controller in the main pane. The view changes to Appliance view.
- Select the Configuration tab in the top menu bar.
- Select Others
> System > Appliance User Management > External AAA in the left menu bar.
- Click the
Edit icon. The Edit External AAA popup window displays.
- In the Protocol field, select TACACS+ or RADIUS, and enter information for the other fields.
- Click OK.
Authentication Attributes for SSH Access
To retain SSH access to a Director node, the following attributes must be returned as part of the TACACS+ or RADIUS accept message:
Attribute | Access Level |
Versa-User-Group = admin |
CLI read/write access |
Versa-User-Group = oper |
CLI read only access |
The following is a sample of a TACACS+ server configuration file:
root@tacacs:/etc/tacacs+# more tac_plus.conf # See man(5) tac_plus.conf for more details # Define where to log accounting data; this is the default. accounting file = /var/log/tac_plus.acct # Dey that clients have to use to access TACACS+ key = password123 # Use /etc/passwd file for authentication # default authentication = file /etc/passwd # Define a per-host key with different enable passwords # host = { # key = test # type = cisco # enable = <des|cleartext> enablepass # prompt = "Welcome XXX ISP Access Router \n\nUsername:" #} # Define local users and specify a file where data is stored. # That file can be filled using tac_pwd # user = test1 { # name = "Test User" # member = staff # login = file /etc/tacacs/tacacs_passwords #} # Specify rules valid per group of users. # group = group1 { # cmd = conf { # deny # } #} # Another example: forbid configure command for some hosts # for a defined range of clients # group = group1 { # login = PAM # service = ppp # protocol = ip { # addr = # } # cmd = conf { # deny .* # } #} user = DEFAULT { login = PAM service = ppp protocol = ip {} } # Many more features are availables, such as ACL, more service compatibilities, # commands authorization, and scripting authorization. # See the man page for more information. # group = TenantSuperAdminGroup { login = PAM service = test { Versa-Role = "TenantSuperAdmin" Versa-Tenant = "Galaxy-Foods" Versa-GUI-Idle-TimeOut = "300" } } group = TenantOperatorGroup { login = PAM service = test { Versa-Role = "TenantOperator" Versa-Tenant = "Galaxy-Foods" Versa-GUI-Idle-TimeOut = "300" } } group = TenantSecurityAdminGroup { login = PAM service = test { Versa-Role = "TenantSecurityAdmin" Versa-Tenant = "Galaxy-Foods" Versa-GUI-Idle-TimeOut = "300" } } group = TenantADCAdminGroup { login = PAM service = test { Versa-Role = "TenantADCAdmin" Versa-Tenant = "Galaxy-Foods" Versa-GUI-Idle-TimeOut = "300" } } group = ProviderDataCenterAdminGroup { login = PAM service = test { Versa-Role = "ProviderDataCenterAdmin" Versa-GUI-Idle-TimeOut = "300" } } group = ProviderDataCenterOperatorGroup { login = PAM service = test { Versa-Role = "ProviderDataCenterOperator" Versa-GUI-Idle-TimeOut = "300" } } group = ProviderDataCenterSystemAdminGroup { login = PAM service = test { Versa-Role = "ProviderDataCenterSystemAdmin" Versa-GUI-Idle-TimeOut = "300" } } group = flex_oper { default service = permit service = versa { Versa-User-Group = oper } } group = flex_admin { default service = permit service = versa { Versa-User-Group = admin } } group = uber_admin { default service = permit service = versa { Versa-User-Group = admin } login = PAM service = test { Versa-Role = "ProviderDataCenterSystemAdmin" Versa-GUI-Idle-TimeOut = "300" } } user = providersystemadmin { member = ProviderDataCenterSystemAdminGroup login = cleartext "password123" pap = cleartext "password123" # pap is needed for CLI access # # login is needed for GUI access } user = dave { default service = permit member = uber_admin login = des 1V4lf5pe4zRkE expires = "Sep 30 2099" pap = cleartext "password123" # pap is needed for CLI access # # login is needed for GUI access } user = sultan { default service = permit member = ProviderDataCenterSystemAdminGroup login = des 1V4lf5pe4zRkE expires = "Sep 30 2099" pap = cleartext "password123" } user = flexadmin { member = flex_admin login = cleartext "password123" pap = cleartext "password123" }
Enable Secure Mode
You enable secure mode to harden the Linux core OS components to meet the Linux CIS benchmarks.
Before you enable secure mode, do the following:
- Download and install a full OS security package to the Versa Director so that the secure mode scripts are available. For more information, see Use OS Security Packages.
- Enable centralized authentication. For more information, see Enable Centralized Authentication, above.
To enable secure mode
- From the CLI, execute the secure mode script:
versa@Hub-a> request system secure-mode enable disable-nodejs
For example:
versa@Hub-1> request system secure-mode enable Will enable secure mode. Are you sure? [no,yes] : yes status success result Enabling Versa OS secure mode result Hardening SSH service result Hardening password scheme result Disabling USB storage result Hardening permissions on system executables result Hardening permissions on sensitive files result Hardening: Disabling FileSystem knobs result Hardening: Restricting the use of the job-scheduling privilege result Hardening: System knobs and TCP settings result Hardening console login permissions result Hardening port permissions
- Exit the CLI and restart Versa services for the changes to take effect:
$ vsh restart
- Change the Linux user passwords on the local device so that they all meet the complexity criteria.
Update the IP Tables
You update the Linux IP tables to define IP packet filter rules for the Linux kernel firewall that allow or block traffic to the system. When a connection tries to establish itself on the system, iptables looks for a rule in its list to match it to. If no rule is found, the default action is taken.
Create IP Tables Rules for Versa Network Components
- Create the following iptables rules so that Director nodes can work properly by allowing traffic to the following host interfaces:
- Primary and secondary Director northbound interface address
- Primary and secondary Director southbound interface address
- localhost loopback,
sudo iptables -A INPUT -s ip-address -j ACCEPT
- Create the following iptables rules to block all outside traffic:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT sudo iptables -P FORWARD DROP sudo iptables -P INPUT DROP
- Add rules for hosts requiring SSH access to the Analytics node:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -s ip-address-of-ssh-source -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
- Save the iptables rules and set the startup script to execute them:
root@Controller-1:~# iptables-save > /opt/versa/etc/rules.v4 root@Controller-1:~# echo -e "#Restore iptables rules\niptables-restore < /opt/versa/etc/rules.v4" >> /opt/versa/scripts/
Edit the Hub IP Tables Templates
To edit the IP tables template for a hub device:
- Save the current IP tables template by issuing the iptables-save command.
root@device-name:~# iptables-save > /opt/versa/etc/rules.v4
- Edit rules file, /etc/iptables/rules.v4 file, using the editor of your choice (nano or vi) to reflect template fields shown above. Define the rules for the chains associated with the filter table. Replace each line between “*filter” and “COMMIT” with the content shown below, specifying the appropriate IP addresses. Specify the DROP and ACCEPT actions as appropriate.
- Activate the iptables rules:
root@Branch-device:~# iptables-restore < /opt/versa/etc/rules.v4
- Make the rules permanent by editing the /opt/versa/scripts/ file using the editor of your choice (nano or vi) and ensure that the following line is at the end of file:
# Restore iptables rules iptables-restore < /opt/versa/etc/rules.v4
- Ensure that the startup script is still configured to load the iptables rules.
- Check the /opt/versa/etc/rules.v4 and /opt/versa/scripts/ files.
The following lines in the IP tables file come from the services loaded in the device, and they are included to avoid a reboot or service restart after you apply the rules:
-A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 22 -j fail2ban-ssh <-- Block IP addresses of clients who had too many SSH login attempts; from the fail2ban service -A INPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 13 -j DROP <-- Block ICMP timestamp replies -A OUTPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 3 -j DROP <-- Block ICMP destination unreachable messages -A OUTPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 14 -j DROP <-- Block ICMP timestamp requests
The default output chain target is ACCEPT. To handle this, include the following line:
-A INPUT -m comment --comment "ACCEPT (RELATED | ESTABLISHED" -m state --state (RELATED | ESTABLISHED) -j ACCEPT
In this line:
- ESTABLISHED—The state has established traffic in both directions and continuously matches these packets.
- RELATED—A connection in this state is related to an ESTABLISHED connection, for example, an FTP connection.
Change the Default Device Linux Passwords
As part of the security hardening process, you must change the default Linux passwords for the following Director predefined user accounts:
- aaaadmin—SSH is disabled; used to map a user from external AAA with admin role when trying to access the shell.
- aaauser—SSH is disabled; used to map a user from external AAA with the oper role.
- admin—SSH is enabled.
- versa—SSH is disabled.
To change the default passwords from the shell:
- Log in to the Controller node using the shell.
- Switch to the user using the su command.
- Change the admin user account password:
admin@Branch-1:~$ passwd Changing password for admin. (current) UNIX password: New password: Retype new password: passwd: password updated successfully
- Change the versa user account password:
admin@Branch-1:~$ sudo su versa versa@director1:/home/admin$ passwd Changing password for versa. (current) UNIX password: New password: Retype new password: passwd: password updated successfully versa@director1:/home/admin$ exit
- Change the aaaadmin user account password:
admin@Branch-1:~$ sudo su aaaadmin [aaaadmin@director1 admin] # passwd Changing password for aaaadmin. (current) UNIX password: New password: Retype new password: passwd: password updated successfully
- Change the aaauser user account password:
admin@Branch-1:~$ sudo su aaauser [aaauser@Hub-1 admin] # passwd Changing password for aaauser. (current) UNIX password: New password: Retype new password: passwd: password updated successfully
You can also change admin or versa user account passwords from the GUI:
- In Director view:
- Select the Configuration tab in the top menu bar.
- Select Templates > Device Templates in the horizontal menu bar.
- Select an organization in the left navigation bar.
- Select a device from the main panel. The view changes to Appliance view.
- Select the Configuration tab in the top menu bar.
- Select Others
> System > Appliance User Management > System Users in the left menu bar.
- Select the admin or versa user in the main pane. The Edit System User popup window displays.
- In the Password field, enter the password.
- In the Confirm Password field, enter the same password.
- Click OK.
Disable Promiscuous Mode
As part of branch, controller, or hub device hardening, you should disable promiscuous mode on the eth0 Ethernet interface.
To disable promiscuous mode on the eth0 interface:
- Edit the /etc/network/interfaces file.
$ sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
- Locate the line "iface ethx inet static", and replace x with the interface number.
- Add the line "up ip link set ethx promisc off" to the file, replacing x with the interface number.
- Save the file.
- Switch off promiscuous mode:
$ sudo ip link ethx promisc off
The following shows an example of the modified /etc/network/interfaces file for the eth0 interface:
auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static up ip link set eth0 promisc off address netmask mtu 1200 up route add -net netmask gw up route add -net netmask gw up route add -net netmask gw up route add -net netmask gw
Harden SSH
Change the SSH Port
To change the default port on which the SSH daemon listens:
- Change the default SSH port:
$ sudo sed -i ‘s/22/1022/g’ /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- Restart the SSH service:
$ sudo service ssh restart
Disable the SSH Server
As part of system hardening, you can optionally disable the SSH service on the branch device.
To disable the SSH service:
- Stop the SSH daemon:
$ sudo service ssh restart
- Remove the SSH daemon from the init.d directory:
$ sudo rm /etc/init.d/ssh
Harden the SSH Server Configuration
For branch devices only.
To have the SSH server on the branch device continue to run, set the following parameters:
- Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file, and set the following values for the following parameters:
- ClientAliveInterval—300
- ClinetAliveCountMax—0
- Save the file.
- Restart the SSH daemon:
$ sudo service ssh restart
Harden SSH Cryptographic Algorithms
This procedure is the follow up to Harden the VOS confd Process in the Perform Manual Hardening for Versa Director article.
To harden the SSH cryptographic algorithms:
- Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file
- Verify that the following values are set for the Ciphers, MACs, and KexAlgorithms. Note that if other values are set, replace them with the values given below:
- Ciphers—,,aes256-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes128-ctr
- MACs—,,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha2-256
- KexAlgorithms—,diffie-...xchange-sha256
- Save the file.
- Restart the SSH daemon:
$ sudo service ssh restart
Harden File System Permissions
For Controller nodes only.
To harden harden the permissions on a Controller node:
- Change the ownership of the /tmp and /var/tmp directories:
$ sudo chown root:versa_priv /tmp $ sudo chown root:versa_priv /var/tmp
- Change the permissions of the /tmp and /var/tmp directories:
$ sudo chmod 1770 /tmp $ sudo chmod 1770 /var/tmp>
Secure Confd SSH and SSL
As part of branch, Controller, and hub device hardening, you must perform additional hardening for port 8443, which is the Apache Tomcat port used for HTTPS and web GUI services. You can harden the channel between Versa Director and VOS devices, including Controller nodes, by using an encryption that is stronger than the default encryption for SSH and SSL transport.
To secure confd SSH and SSL:
- Log in to the device using the Director CLI.
- Update the encryption for each Controller and VOS device:
devices { device SP01 { config { confdConfig { ssh { algorithms { - encryption aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr; + encryption aes256-ctr,aes256-cbc; + kex diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256; } } webui { transport { ssl { - ciphers DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA- AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256; + ciphers DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA256,AES256-SHA256; } } } } } } }
Perform System Upgrades
When you perform a system upgrade, do the following to keep the system hardened.
Before you upgrade a VOS device:
- Update to the latest OS Spack. For more information, see Use OS Security Packages.
- Back up the iptables rules:
$ sudo iptables-save > iptables.rules
After you upgrade a VOS device:
- Reapply all the iptables rules
Supported Software Information
Releases 20.2 and later support all content described in this article.