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Versa Networks

Verify Software Installation

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This article describes how to verify the software installation and operation of the Versa headend components. You can verify the operation of the headend components after you have installed the software and performed the initial software configuration, as described in Perform Initial Software Configuration.

Verify Analytics Installation and Operation

You verify the installation and operation of each Analytics node by running shell commands and accessing the node's Analytics application instance from a browser.

Verify Analytics Processes, Software Release, and Interfaces

To verify Analytics processes, software release, and interfaces, perform the following steps on each node in the cluster:

  1. Log in to the shell on the Analytics node. Please consult Versa technical support for default credentials.
  2. To verify that Versa Analytics services are running, issue the vsh status command. The command output should be similar to the example below, which shows that the following services are running. Note that some nodes may not run the log collector exporter or Analytics driver services.
    • versa-confd—Interface between the configuration database and processes interacting with the CLI.
    • versa-lced—Log collector exporter
    • versa-analytics-driver—Analytics driver
    • versa-analytics-app—Instance of the Analytics application running on the node.
    • versa-monit—Service and resource monitoring daemon. The monitor tool manages and monitors processes, programs, files, directories, and filesystems on Linux-based systems. The tool also performs automatic maintenance and repair.
admin@Analytics$ vsh status
[sudo] password for admin:
versa-confd            is Running          
versa-lced             is Running          
versa-analytics-driver is Running          
versa-analytics-app    is Running          
versa-monit            is Running

If any services are stopped, issue the vsh restart command to restart all services:

admin@Analytics$ vsh restart
  1. Check the software package version of the Analytics software:
admin@Analytics$ show system package-info
Package             Analytics Software       
Release             20.2-R1       
Build               GA       
Release date        20170501       
Package ID          2f33623       
Package name        versa-analytics-20190809-071300-2f33623-20.2R1       
Branch              20.2R1       
Creator             shep
  1. Check the interfaces that are configured:
admin@Analytics$ cat /etc/network/interfaces
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static
    post-up route add -net gw 

Verify the NoSQL Database

To verify the operation of the noSQL (Cassandra) database, issue the vsh dbstatus command from the shell on each analytics-type node in the cluster:

 admin@Analytics$ vsh dbstatus

The following shows example output on an analytics node. In the Datacenter: Analytics section, "U" in the first column indicates that the analytics node is operational.

admin@Analytics$ vsh dbstatus
[sudo] password for versa:
Datacenter: Analytics
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
--  Address         Load       Tokens       Owns (effective)  Host ID                               Rack
UN  62.77 MB   256          100.0%            4b0e5cd5-84e8-4d6b-8a4d-bdbb573eefc6  RAC1
UN   65.01 MB   256          100.0%            8d343be1-afdd-4400-a3fd-34d6784f9537  RAC1
Zookeeper Status
ZooKeeper JMX enabled by default
Using config: /opt/versa_van/apps/zookeeper-3.4.10/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
Mode: follower
Zookeeper version: 3.4.10-39d3a4f269333c922ed3db283be479f9deacaa0f, built on 03/23/2017 10:13 GMT
Latency min/avg/max: 0/0/0
Received: 6
Sent: 5
Connections: 1
Outstanding: 0
Zxid: 0x10000007c
Mode: follower
Node count: 41

Verify the Analytics Search Engine

To verify the operation of the search engine, issue the vsh dbstatus command from the shell of each search-type node in the cluster:

 admin@Analytics$ vsh dbstatus

The following shows example output on a search-type node. In the Datacenter: Search section, the liveNodes field shows the number of search nodes available in the Analytics cluster, and a value of 1 in the Collections field indicates that the Analytics database has been initialized.

admin@Search$ vsh dbstatus
[sudo] password for versa:
Zookeeper Status
ZooKeeper JMX enabled by default
Using config: /opt/versa_van/apps/zookeeper-3.4.10/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
Mode: leader
Zookeeper version: 3.4.10-39d3a4f269333c922ed3db283be479f9deacaa0f, built on 03/23/2017 10:13 GMT
Latency min/avg/max: 0/0/1408
Received: 1417793
Sent: 1417834
Connections: 3
Outstanding: 0
Zxid: 0x10000007c
Mode: leader
Node count: 41
Datacenter: Search
Found 1 Solr nodes:
Solr process 2912 running on port 8983
  solr_home: /var/lib/solr/data/data,
  version: 6.6.1 9aa465a89b64ff2dabe7b4d50c472de32c298683 - varunthacker - 2017-08-29 22:00:32,
  startTime: 2020-12-09T09:04:14.589Z,
  uptime: 27 days, 17 hours, 51 minutes, 25 seconds,
  memory: 72 MB (%14.7) of 490.7 MB,
    liveNodes: 2,
    collections: 1

Verify Log Collectors

For nodes that collect logs, check that local collectors are configured. Note that you can configure analytics-type, search-type, and forwarder-type nodes to collect logs.

admin@Forwarder$ cli
admin@Forwarder> configure
admin@Forwarder% show log-collector-exporter local

The following example shows that the local collector named Collector1 is configured for port 1234 on interface

admin@Forwarder% show log-collector-exporter local
collectors {
    Collector1 {
        port            1234;
        max-connections 100;
        protocol        ipfix;
        storage {
            directory                /var/tmp/log;
            format                   syslog;
            file-generation-interval 10;
            max-logs-per-file        100;
            category flow {
                throttle 10000;

Verify the Analytics Application

To check connectivity to the Analytics application:

  1. Enter the URL https://analytics-node-ip-address:port-number/versa/login.html in the browser URL field. By default, only secure ports 443 and 8443 are enabled on the Analytics application. You cannot access the Analytics application using port 8080, to avoid any security vulnerabilities.

    For example, for the Analytics node at and port 8443, enter Then, log in with the default username and password. Please consult Versa technical support for default credentials.


If the login screen does not display, see Troubleshoot Analytics Access and Certificate Issues.

  1. Select the 2023-07-11_17-25-26.png Logout icon to log out of the application.


Verify Versa Director Installation

To verify that Versa Director services are running, log in to the shell on the Director node, and then issue the vsh status command:

admin@Director$ vsh status                                             
NCS[4.7.10]                    [Running]                                               
POSTGRE[15.3]                  [Running]                                               
NETBOX-IPAM                    [Running]                                               
SPRING-BOOT                    [Running]                                               
REDIS[6.2.6]                   [Running]                                               
APACHE TOMCAT/9.0.75           [Running]                                               
NODE-EXPORTER                  [Running] 

If any services are stopped, issue the vsh restart command to restart all services:

admin@Director$ vsh restart

Verify Controller Installation

To verify that Controller services are running:

  1. Log in to the shell on the Controller node, and then issue the vsh status command. To access the shell on a Controller node from the Director GUI, see Access the CLI on a VOS Device.
    admin@Controller$ vsh status 
    [sudo] password for Administrator:
    versa-service          is Running,          [*] process 13723
    versa-infmgr           is Running,          [-] process 13679
    versa-rfd              is Running,          [-] process 13919
    versa-vmod             is Running,          [-] process 13917
    versa-ip2user          is Running,          [-] process 13924
    versa-imgr             is Running,          [-] process 13930
    versa-acctmgrd         is Running,          [-] process 13912
    versa-fltrmgr          is Running,          [-] process 13696
    versa-vstated          is Running,          [-] process 13682
    versa-spack            is Running,          [-] process 14111
    versa-addrmgrd         is Running,          [-] process 13926
    versa-rt-cli-xfm       is Running,          [-] process 13870
    versa-rtd              is Running,          [-] process 13897
    versa-dhcpd            is Running,          [-] process 13684
    versa-eventd           is Running,          [-] process 13913
    versa-vrrpd            is Running,          [-] process 13690
    versa-dnsd             is Running,          [-] process 13692
    versa-ppmd             is Running,          [-] process 13865
    versa-snmp-xform       is Running,          [-] process 13876
    versa-certd            is Running,          [-] process 13928
    versa-ntpd             is Running,          [*] process 13668
    versa-dhclient6        is Running,          [-] process 13880
    versa-redis            is Running,          [-] process 14740
    versa-av-redis         is Running,          [-] process 13500
    versa-spackmgr         is Running,          [-] process 13900
    versa-monit            is Running,          [*] process 13910
    versa-confd            is Running,          [*] process 13466
    versa-fail2ban         is Running,          [*] process 14068
    versa-auditd           is Running,          [*] process 14136
    versa-nodejs           is Running,          [-] process 13774

    If any services are stopped, issue the vsh restart command to restart all services:

    admin@Controller$ vsh restart
  2. Verify the system software and hardware:

    admin@Controller$ cli
    admin@Controller> show system detail
     Software Details
       Software Release    20.2.0
       Package name        versa-flexvnf-20190809-220223-7f58f33-20.2.0
     Hardware Details
       Hypervisor Type     kvm
       Manufacturer        QEMU
       SKU Number          Not Specified
       Model               Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)
       Serial number       Not Specified
       CPU model           Not Specified
       Number of CPUs      2
       Number of NICs      4
       Memory              3.86GiB
       Disk size           76G
       Free NICs           0
       Free memory         1.18GiB
       Free disk           66G
       SSD present         no
       uCPE Platform       no
  3. Verify the software package:

    admin@Controller> show system package-info
      Package             Versa FlexVNF software
      Release             20.2.0
      Release Type        FRS
      Release date        20190809
      Package id          7f58f33
      Package name        versa-flexvnf-20190809-220223-7f58f33-20.2.0
      Branch              20.2
      Creator             shep

Supported Software Information

Releases 20.2 and later support all content described in this article, except:

  • Release 21.1.1 adds support for port 8443 to access the Analytics application.
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