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Versa Networks

Natively Integrate a VOS Cloud Gateway on an Azure Virtual WAN Hub

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This article describes how to natively integrate a Versa Operating SystemTM (VOSTM) SASE cloud gateway on a Microsoft Azure Virtual WAN hub and how to perform zero-touch provisioning (ZTP) of the cloud gateway using Versa Director.

To perform the installation, you do the following:

  • Create a VOS template for the VOS cloud gateway.
  • Create a VOS device to associate with the cloud gateway.
  • Deploy the VOS cloud gateway on an Azure Virtual WAN.

Before You Begin

Before you install the Versa SASE cloud gateway on an Azure Virtual WAN:

  • Create a Network Virtual Appliance in an Azure Virtual WAN hub. For more information, refer to the Azure documentation.
  • Connect the required virtual networks (VNets) to a Virtual WAN hub. For more information, refer to the Azure documentation.
  • Send an email to Versa Networks Customer Support at to request the custom cloud-init file for your enterprise. When you receive the file, upload it to the Azure portal so you can use it for the VOS cloud gateway installation.

Create a Template for VOS Cloud Gateway

To create a template for the VOS cloud gateway:

  1. In Director view, select the Workflows tab in the top menu bar.
  2. Select Template > Templates in the left menu bar.
  3. Click the Add icon to create a new template. The Create Template steps display.

  4. Select step 1 Basic, and enter a name for the template (here, the name is versa-sase-in-vwan-01). For information about configuring the other fields, see Create and Manage Staging and Post-Staging Templates.
  5. Select step 2, Interfaces.
  6. Click a port icon to the right of the Number of Ports field, click WAN from the popup list, and then select vni-0/0 as the WAN interface.

  7. Click another port icon, click LAN from the popup list, and then select vni-0/1 as the LAN interface.
  8. Select step 4 Routing, and in the BGP group of fields, enter information to configure BGP routing.

  9. Click Save.
  10. Commit the template.

Create a VOS Device

To create a VOS device to associate with the cloud gateway:

  1. In Director view, select the Workflows tab in the top menu bar.
  2. Select an organization in the horizontal menu bar.
  3. Select Devices > Devices in the left menu bar.
  4. Click the Add icon to add a device. The Configure Basic screen displays.

  5. Select step 1 Basic, and enter a name for the device (here, the name is versa-sase-in-vwan-01). For information about configuring the other fields, see Create Devices and Device Groups.
  6. Select step 4 Bind Data.
  7. In the User Input tab, select Post-Staging Template tab, and then click versa-sase-in-vwan-01.

  8. Enter the bind data information, including the BGP local AS number, BGP neighbor IP addresses, and BGP peer AS numbers, as shown in the following example screen. Note that these values are displayed on the screen in Step 5 in Create a VOS Cloud Gateway on an Azure Virtual WAN, below.

  9. Click OK.
  10. Click Save.

Create a VOS Cloud Gateway on an Azure Virtual WAN

To use the VOS custom cloud-init file to install the Versa VOS Cloud Gateway in an Azure vWAN.

To install the VOS Cloud Gateway:

  1. Open the Azure website and select Marketplace.
  2. Select Versa SASE in vWAN.
  3. Click Create and select the VOS version. The Create Versa SASE in vWAN wizard displays.

  4. Select the Basics tab and enter the details about the subscription. Note that the subscription ID for Versa is Pay-As-You-Go.

  5. Click Next: Versa SASE in vWAN, and enter the following information in the Versa SASE in VWAN tab.




    Virtual WAN Hub

    Select the Virtual WAN hub to use to deploy the network virtual appliance (NVA).

    SASE Cluster Name

    Enter the Versa SASE cluster name. The name can includes letters, numbers, and dashes, and it can be from 3 to 32 characters long.

    Scale unit

    Enter the scale unit to determine the size and number of resources deployed:

    • 2 scale units (1 Gbps)
    • 4 scale units (2 Gbps)
    • 10 scale units (5 Gbps)
    • 20 scale units (10 Gbps)

    Versa BGP ASN

    Enter the BGP AS number (ASN) for Versa.

    Default: 64514 (default Versa LAN ASN for BGP peering)

    User Custom Data

    Click the folder icon and upload the VOS cloud-init file for staging to your enterprise headend. For more information about receiving this file from Versa Networks Customer Support, see Before You Begin above.

    Note that you must enter the BGP neighbor IP addresses and BGP ASN values displayed on this screen when configuring the device bind data in Create a VOS Device, above.
  6. Click Next: Review + Create. Select the "I agree to the terms and conditions above" check box and click Create.


Supported Software Information

Releases 21.1.3 and later support all content described in this article.

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