Preserve Director Node-Level Configuration Changes
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There are some features that you cannot configure using Versa Concerto, and you must configure them using Versa Director. In Concerto Release 10.1.1, if you published a Concerto configuration to Versa Director, it overwrites the entire configuration in the main template for the VOS device on the Director node, even the portions of the configuration that cannot be configured in Concerto. To mitigate this overwriting, in Release 10.2.1 you create service templates to add custom configurations on the Director node and then you attach the service templates to the VOS device from Concerto.
In Releases 10.2.1 and later, when you publish a configuration from Concerto to Versa Director, all the configuration done in Concerto is added to the VOS device's main template in the Director node, but the Concerto publish function does not overwrite the configurations that were created using Versa Director.
To overwrite the appliance’s main template on the Director node, select the Overwrite Template Configuration option in VOS device's Publish-action pop-up window.
For example, you cannot currently configure SNMP using Concerto. If you configure SNMP on Versa Director and then publish a configuration from Concerto to Versa Director, the SNMP configuration is retained on Versa Director.
Supported Software Information
Releases 10.2.1 and later support all content described in this article.