Monitor Concerto Orchestrator
For supported software information, click here.
You use the Monitor lifecycle to display a wide variety of information about the sites in your network. You can view summary information for all sites and for specific sites, and you can drill down for more granular views.
Monitor Lifecycle Views
The Monitor lifecycle screen can be displayed in three different views:
- Honeycomb
- Map
- Table
A Summary section appears at the right of the screen in all views and shows information for all sites.
Click the Expand icon in the Summary section to display a detailed view of the consolidated information for all sites.
Click the Expand icon in an individual card to display a detailed view of the card.
Honeycomb View
To display all sites in Honeycomb view, select Monitor in the left menu bar and click the Honeycomb icon at the bottom of the screen.
In the Honeycomb view, each site is displayed as a hexagon. The types and colors of the lines of each site hexagon have different meanings:
- Dotted line around site hexagon—There is no communication between the Director node and the device site.
- Gray line around site hexagon—The device was never connected to the Director node through the ZTP process
- Other colors—The lines around each site hexagon are color-coded to indicate the highest-level active security alarm for the site:
- Red—Critical
- Orange—Major
- Gray—Minor
- Blue—Informational
The hexagon view displays the following information:
The Gear icon indicates that the configure publication status requires you to take an action. To see the required action, hover over the
Gear icon.
To see the number of alarms for the site, hover over the Alarms box. The alarm boxes are color coded, as follows:
- Red—Critical
- Orange—Major
- Gray—Minor
- Blue—Informational
To display alarm details, click the Alarms box.
To display information about the appliances at a site, double-click on the site hexagon. The Summary screen for the appliances at the site displays.
A hexagon displays for each appliance on the site and a summary of appliance information for the site displays on the right.
To display summary information for a specific appliance, click on the appliance hexagon.
To display an action menu for an appliance, hover over the appliance hexagon. The following screen displays. Releases 10.2.1 and later support the Run Diagnostics and Monitor Appliance menu items.
In Releases 10.2.1 and later, you can discover single-tenant and multitenant appliances associated with a tenant that had already been created in Versa Director before they were attached to Concerto. Once you discover these appliances in Concerto, they are added to the Monitor lifecycle and are added to the Monitor lifecycle screen based on their location. For example, each of the hexagons in the screenshot below represents a site that contains an appliance that was configured in Versa Director and discovered by Concerto. The hexagons are created automatically and given a name based on the location of the appliance, as configured in Versa Director. If multiple appliances are discovered in one location, all of the appliances are added to the site hexagon.
As shown in the figure below, for Releases 10.2.1 and later you can run diagnostics and monitor a discovered appliance, but you cannot edit the configuration of a discovered appliance. See Run Diagnostics on an Appliance and Monitor an Appliance for more information.
Map View
To display all sites in Map view, select Monitor in the left menu bar and click the Map icon.
To display the number of appliances at the site, hover over a site. To toggle between the Summary screen for all sites and the Summary screen for the specific site, click the site icon.
Double-click a site on the map to display information for that site. The view changes to Honeycomb view.
For Releases 10.2.1 and later, Map view displays connection lines between sites and, by default, displays site-to-site connection lines. You can choose the type of connection lines to display from the Connection pop-up menu at the bottom of the screen. The options are:
- Site-to-Site Traffic
- High Latency
- High Packet Loss
- Reachability
Table View
To display all sites in Table view:
- Select Monitor in the left menu bar and click the
Table icon. The view switches to Table view and displays all current sites.
- Click an entry in the Sites table to display information related to a field. For example, to display summary information for a site, click Site Name, or to display the alarms for a site, click the boxed number under Site Alarms.
- To view the appliances at a site, click the
Vertical Ellipsis icon, then click View Appliances.
The screen displays the appliances at the selected site.
- Click Run Diagnostics to run diagnostics on an appliance. See Run Diagnostics on an Appliance for more information.
- Click Monitor Appliance to display monitoring information for an appliance. For more information, see Monitor an Appliance.
- Click Delete Appliance to delete an appliance. The Delete Appliance pop-up window displays.
- Click Yes to delete the appliance.
Run Diagnostics on an Appliance
To run diagnostics on an appliance:
- Select the Monitor lifecycle in the left menu bar and click the
Honeycomb icon at the bottom of the screen.
- Double-click the hexagon for the site containing the appliance.
- Hover over the appliance hexagon to display the appliance action menu.
- Click Run Diagnostics. The following screen displays. Enter information for the following fields.
Field Description Diagnostic Type Select Ping, Traceroute, or Speed Test. - Ping
- Destination—Enter the IP address of destination to which the packets are sent.
- Interface—Select the interface used as the source address from the drop-down menu.
- Packet Count—Enter the number of packets to send.
- Range: 1 through 25
- Default: 5
- Packet Size—(Optional) Enter the packet size in bytes.
- Range: 0 through 65535
- Default: None
- Traceroute
- Destination—Enter the IP address or FQDN of the target host.
- Interface—Select the interface that initiates the traceroute.
- Speed Test
You can run two types of speed tests: Internet speed tests and Versa speed tests, as described below.
- You can run internet speed tests from Versa Operating System™ (VOS™) devices using predeployed internet speed-test servers. To run an internet speed test, the VOS device must have an internet connection over a WAN link. The internet speed test chooses the nearest predeployed speed-test server. You do not need to deploy an independent speed-test server.
To configure an internet speed test:
- Routing Instance—Select the routing instance to use to connect to the predeployed internet speed-test server.
- Routing Instance—Select the routing instance to use to connect to the predeployed internet speed-test server.
- You can run a speed test using a VOS device using a WAN interface that has been configured as a Versa speed-test server.
To configure a Versa speed test:
- Select Versa as the speed-test type.
- Local Interface—Select the local interface to use for the speed test from the drop-down list.
- Remote Destination—Select the remote destination to use for the speed test from the drop-down list.
- Remote Interface—Select the remote interface to use for the speed test from the drop-down list.
- Click Start to begin the diagnostic.
After running a ping diagnostic test, a screen similar to the following displays.
After running a traceroute diagnostic test, a screen similar to the following displays.
After running a speed test diagnostic test, a screen similar to the following displays.
Monitor an Appliance
To display the Versa Director Monitor screen, which provides real-time device monitoring for an appliance:
- Select the Monitor lifecycle in the left menu bar and click the
Honeycomb icon at the bottom of the screen.
- Double-click the hexagon for the site containing the appliance.
- Hover over the appliance hexagon to display the appliance action menu.
- Click Monitor Appliance. The following screen displays. See Monitor Devices for Summary Information and Real-Time Device Monitoring for descriptions of the screens.
Monitor the Network Activity for a Topology
To monitor the network activity for the entire topology, select the Topology tab and the Network Activity subtab in the Monitor > Sites screen. The Topology > Network Activity screen contains the following cards. In each card, you can click the Expand icon to see a detailed view:
- Affected Paths—(Releases 11.1.1 and later) Fetches only the summary of UP and DOWN path counts from Versa Analytics for the top 100 appliances with down paths. You can drill down to any specific appliance to see all the DOWN paths on that appliance. The AFFECTED PATHS monitor shows information from appliances running Release 21.2.2 or later only. It is not backward compatible with Versa Director and VOS release prior to Release 21.2.2.
- Network Traffic—Displays a summary of the received and transmitted data for each site.
- Direct Internet Access—Displays a summary of the direct internet access (DIA) received and transmitted data for each site.
- Site-to-Site Traffic—Displays the total site-to-site received and transmitted traffic for each site.
- High Latency—Displays the highest amount of latency, in milliseconds, between any two local and remote appliances and circuits.
- High Packet Loss—Displays the highest percentage of packet loss between any two local and remote appliances and circuits.
Monitor the Security for a Topology
To monitor the security for the entire topology, select the Topology tab and the Security subtab in the Monitor > Sites screen. The Topology > Security screen contains the following cards:
- Threats
- Rules by Volume
- Sources by Volume
- Destinations by Volume
- URL Category by Volume
- URL Reputation by Volume
Click the Expand icon to see a detailed view of the security cards. Click the
vertical ellipsis icon in each card to select Volume, Sessions, or Bandwidth view.
Monitor a Deployment Topology
To monitor the deployment for the entire topology, select the Topology tab and the Deployment subtab in the Monitor > Sites screen. The Topology > Deployment screen contains the following cards:
- Site Status
- Profile Assignment
- Device Distribution
- Software
Click the Expand icon to see a detailed view.
Monitor the Network Activity for an Application
To monitor the network activity for an application, select Application > Network Activity. The Application > Network Activity screen contains the following:
- Applications by Volume—Displays the top applications by volume of traffic.
- Applications by Sessions—Displays the top applications by number of sessions.
- Applications by Bandwidth—Displays the top applications by bandwidth.
To display a detailed view of the site's network activity, click the Expand icon.
Supported Software Information
Releases 10.1.1 and later support all content described in this article, except:
- Release 10.2.1 adds support for the Run Diagnostics and Monitor Appliance action menu options; Map view displays traffic-relationship connection lines; and, you can discover single-tenant and multitenant appliances associated with a tenant that had already been created in Versa Director before they were attached to Concerto.
- Release 11.1.1 adds support for replacing the Unreachable monitor with the Affected Paths monitor in the Site Summary screens under Network Activity.
- In Release 11.3.1 adds support for:
- Accessing an appliance's shell (when using Director 21.2.3 or later), and using configuration status tools (Sync To, Sync From, Compare)
- Speed-test diagnostics tools for SD-WAN devices
Additional Information
Monitor Devices for Summary Information
Real-Time Device Monitoring