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Versa Networks

Configure the Root Domain for a SASE Deployment

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If you are a service provider that offers hosted, on-premises SASE services to your customers, you can use the SASE setting to specify the root domain for your SASE deployment.

To configure the root domain for a SASE deployment:

  1. Go to the service provider home screen and select Settings in the left navigation bar.
  2. Enter information for the following fields.

    Field Description
    Root Domain Enter the root domain name for the SASE deployment.
    SASE Client Software Location (Group of Fields)  
    • URL
    Enter the URL of the SASE client software.
    • Username
    Enter a username to access the client software location. 
    • Password
    Enter the user password.
  3. Click Save

Supported Software Information

Releases 11.3.1 and later support all content described in this article.

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