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Versa Networks

Update a Web Archive File

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Versa Networks engineering provides web archive (WAR) files as a patch to correct a problem in an Analytics cluster. This article describes how to update WAR files on an Analytics cluster.

To update WAR files:

  1. Log in the shell on one node in the Analytics cluster, and then download the WAR file. Please consult Versa technical support for default credentials.
  2. Create a backup copy of the existing WAR file:
admin@Analytics$ sudo su
root@Analytics# mkdir /tmp/backup-war
root@Analytics# mv /opt/versa/bin/versa-1.0.war /tmp/backup-war/
  1. Change to the /opt/versa_van/apps/apache-tomcat/webapps directory, and then remove existing WAR files. Ensure that you do not issue the rm command from a directory other than /opt/versa_van/apps/apache-tomcat/webapps.
root@Analytics# cd /opt/versa_van/apps/apache-tomcat/webapps
root@Analytics# pwd
root@Analytics# rm -rf ./*.war
  1. Remove the ROOT directory:
root@Analytics# pwd
root@Analytics# rm -rf ROOT
root@Analytics# exit
  1. Copy the new versa-1.0.war file from the download location to the /opt/versa/bin directory:
root@Analytics# cd /opt/versa/bin
root@Analytics# cp downloaded-war-file /opt/versa/bin
  1. Verify that the versa-1.0.war file is present:
root@Analytics# ls -lrth 
  1. Restart Analytics services. On each node, issue the vsh restart command, and then wait for the command to complete before issuing the command on the next node.
root@Analytics# vsh restart 
  1. If you face any issues, you can rollback to the old WAR file:
root@Analytics# cp /tmp/backup-war/versa-1.0.war /opt/versa/bin/
root@Analytics# vsh restart
  1. Repeat Steps 1 through 7 for each node in the Analytics cluster.

Supported Software Information

Releases 20.2 and later support all content described in this article.

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