System Dashboards
For supported software information, click here.
The Analytics System dashboards display information about the health and activity of Versa Operating SystemTM (VOSTM) devices.
This article describes the Analytics System dashboards, which are located at Analytics > Dashboard (Home) > Dashboards > System:
- Top-level system dashboard—Displays device loads, anomalies, log counts, and search log statistics
- Interfaces—Displays statistics for the device's WAN, LTE, and WiFi interface statistics
- Guest VNF—Displays universal CPE (uCPE) health information
- SNG—Displays service node groups statistics
- Measurements—Displays statistics from the Two-Way active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)
For general information about how to use an Analytics dashboard, see View Analytics Dashboards and Log Screens.
Top-Level System Dashboard
VOS devices forward logs to Analytics nodes, and the Analytics node use these logs to monitor and display the health and activity of each VOS device. To view the Analytics dashboards related to VOS device health, select Analytics > Dashboard (Home) > Dashboards > System. The following screen displays.
The top-level System dashboard has the following tabs in the horizontal menu bar:
- Appliance Health
- Appliance Activity
- Appliance Anomalies
- Search Logs Activity
Appliance Health Tab
The Appliance Health tab displays the Appliance Health Monitoring table. This table provides current system load information for a VOS device, including near real-time CPU, system memory, disk, and sessions usage.
In the Appliance Health Monitoring table, you can drill down on a VOS device to display the following charts, which display information about the load over time:
- Appliance Monitoring by CPU Load
- Appliance Monitoring by Memory Load
- Appliance Monitoring by Disk Load
- Appliance Monitoring by Sessions Load
Appliance Activity Tab
The Appliance Activity tab displays log counts for tenant VOS devices.
Appliance Anomalies Tab
The Appliance Anomalies tab displays anomaly information for tenant VOS devices.
In the Appliance Anomalies table, you can drill down on a VOS device to display the following charts, which provide details about the anomaly:
- device Monitoring by CPU Load Exceeded
- device Monitoring by Memory Load Exceeded
- device Monitoring by Packet Buffer (mbuf) Depletion
- device Monitoring by Service Load Exceeded
- device Monitoring by Session Load Exceeded
- device Monitoring by Worker Thread Busy (Lcore Detection)
Search Logs Activity Tab
The Search Logs Activity tab displays search log activity information for the selected tenant. On this screen, logs are identified either by the VOS device generating the logs, such as device Colovore-DC-Branch-1, or by the log's syslog identifier, such as cgnatLog or dnsfLog. For a list of syslog identifiers, see Analytics Log Collector Log Types Overview. The Search Logs Activity screen displays the following charts:
- Logs Features Distribution
- Search Logs per Appliance
- Total Search Logs
To display log distribution information for a VOS device, drill down on an individual VOS device in the Search Logs per Appliance chart. The following screen displays:
System Interfaces Dashboard
To view information about the WAN, LTE, and WiFi interfaces on a tenant's VOS devices, select Analytics > Dashboard (Home) > Dashboards > System > Interfaces.
The System Interfaces dashboard has the following tabs in the horizontal menu bar:
- WAN Interfaces
- LTE Interfaces
- WiFi Interfaces
WAN Interfaces Tab
The WAN Interfaces tab displays WAN utilization and statistics, showing the following items:
- WAN Utilization Over Time
- WAN Statistics
To display WAN utilization statistics for a site, in the WAN Statistics table, select the Zoom icon to the left of the site name.
LTE Interfaces Tab
The LTE Interfaces tab displays LTE statistics and status information for VOS devices that have LTE interfaces.
To display detailed LTE statistics for a VOS device, select the Zoom icon to the left of the VOS device name.
WiFi Interfaces Tab
For Releases 21.2.1 and later.
The WiFi Interfaces tab displays the VOS devices and connected clients for a tenant for a specified time range. For multitenant devices, this information is part of the provider organization.
To display WiFi usage details for a VOS device, drill down on a VOS device name.
To display client statistics for a MAC address, in the WiFi Usage Statistics for device table, click the Zoom icon to the left of the MAC address.
Tunnels Tab
For Releases 22.1.1 and later.
The Tunnels tab displays IPsec tunnel statistics.
System Guest VNF Dashboard (Universal CPE)
A VOS device can host multiple guest VNFs (also called universal CPEs, or uCPEs). Traffic can be service-chained through guest VNFs. To view summary information about uCPE devices, select Analytics > Home > Dashboards > System > Guest VNF. The System Guest VNF dashboard displays the following charts:
- Guest VNF Health Monitoring
- Guest VNF Interface Statistics
- Guest VNF Events Logs
To display the topology view and system status and statistics of the VNFs running on a VOS device, click the Zoom icon to the left of a specific VNF.
System Service Node Groups Dashboard
Service node groups (SNGs) are associated with each guest VNF. A service chain instance ID (SCID) defines group of SNGs. The VOS devices hosting the guest VNFs use the service chain instance to steer traffic through the SNGs.
To display information about the traffic flowing through a service chain or service node groups, select Analytics > Dashboard (Home) > Dashboards > System > SNG.
To view information about forward and reverse traffic flows, click the Zoom icon on a specific row.
System Measurements Dashboard
For Releases 21.2.1 and later.
VOS devices use the Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP), defined in RFC 5357, to measure metrics such as delay, delay variation, and loss between two IP endpoints that support the TWAMP sender and receiver functionalities. The metrics are exported to Analytics nodes. The Analytics > Dashboard (Home) > Dashboards > System > Measurements dashboard displays the TWAMP metrics per IP session for a tenant or VOS device.
The System Measurements dashboard displays the Two-Way Active Measurements Protocol table:
To view the details about a VOS device in a time-based bar graph, click the Zoom icon to the left of the VOS device.
Supported Software Information
Releases 20.2 and later support all content described in this article, except:
- Release 21.2.1 adds support for the WiFi Interfaces and Measurements (TWAMP) dashboards.
- Release 22.1.1 adds support for the System > Interfaces > Tunnels dashboard.
Additional Information
Apply Log Export Functionality
View Analytics Dashboards and Log Screens