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Versa Networks

Manage Analytics Synchronization

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Analytics nodes periodically contact Director nodes to synchronize information about tenants, appliances, site tags and resource tags. To perform the synchronization, the Analytics node uses a service account named analytics_service_account to access the Director node. The service account is created automatically the first time a user with the admin role logs into the Analytics platform. By default, information is synchronized every 15 minutes. For information about configuring site tags and resource tags, see View Analytics Dashboards and Log Screens.

Analytics nodes store information about synchronization parameters in the file, which is located in the /opt/versa/var/van-app/properties directory on the Analytics node.

Analytics nodes perform the following synchronizations using the service account:

  • Appliance and appliance pair synchronization—Appliances and corresponding HA pairs are synchronized with the assigned Director node at a frequency specified in the cron.appliance.freq entry in the file. Synchronizing is a two-step process. First, the inactive appliances present in the Analytics cluster but that have been removed from the Director configuration are deleted. Second, new appliances from the Director node are inserted on the Analytics node. A similar two-step process is used for site HA pairs to remove and insert pairs.
  • Appliance (site) and resource tags synchronization—Synchronization for appliance and resource tags is similar to the synchronization for appliances and appliance pairs. You can change the synchronization frequency using the cron.tag.freq entry in the file. If there is a mismatch between the resource tag list or the appliance tag list and what is present on the Director node, the new list is updated on the Analytics node.

This article describes how to view and modify the synchronization interval and change the password for the service account. This article also describes how to create the service account manually.

Modify Analytics Synchronization Intervals

By default, Analytics nodes perform synchronization every 15 minutes. To modify the synchronization interval, you must configure the intervals separately for each Analytics node.

To view and modify Analytics synchronization intervals:

  1. Log in to the shell on the Analytics node.
  2. In the /opt/versa/var/van-app/properties directory, issue the following commands to list the entries in the file.
admin@Analytics$ cd /opt/versa/var/van-app/properties
admin@Analytics$ sudo grep cron.tag.freq
admin@Analytics$ sudo grep cron.appliance.freq
  • cron.tag.freq shows the appliance and appliance HA pair information synchronization time, in minutes.
  • cron.appliance.freq shows the resource and appliance tag information synchronization time, in minutes.
  1. To modify the synchronization frequency, edit the file and change the values for entries cron.tag.freq and cron.appliance.freq.

Change the Analytics Service Account Password

To change the password for the analytics_service_account account:

  1. In Director view, select the Analytics tab in the top menu bar.
  2. Select Administration > Configuration > Authentication in the left menu bar
  3. Select the Service Account tab, enter a password in the Reset Password field, and then click Reset Password.


Manually Create the Service Account

You can manually create the service account by issuing the following command from any Analytics node in the cluster.

admin@Analytics$ sudo python3 /opt/versa/scripts/van-scripts/ create-director-service-account \
--host director-hostname --username director-username --password director-password
Option Description
director-hostname IP address or hostname of the Director node.
director-username Account name to use for access to the Director node. This can be a shell account or provider account name. The default shell account is admin.
director-password Password for the Director account.

For example:

admin@Analytics$ sudo python3 /opt/versa/scripts/van-scripts/ create-director-service-account \
--host  --username versa --password xxxxxx 

­Supported Software Information

Releases 22.1.3 and later support all content described in this article.

Additional Information

Configure AAA (for Director)
View Analytics Dashboards and Log Screens

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