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Versa Networks

Configure Analytics Device Alarms

For supported software information, click here.

Analytics device alarms provide real-time status about services and activities that require attention. The severity level associated with an alarm provides an indication of the gravity of the situation.

By default, alarms are logged to a file on the device and can be streamed to third-party remote collectors including Versa Director nodes.

Supported Alarm Types

The following table lists the alarm types supported by Versa Analytics and the default destination for the alarm types.

Alarm Type Description Default Destination Severity
Remote collector down Remote collector is down syslog Critical
Remote collector queue utilization Remote collector queue utilization has exceeded the default or configured threshold values syslog Critical, Major
System CPU utilization System CPU utilization has exceeded the default or configured threshold values syslog Critical, Major
System disk utilization System disk utilization has exceeded the default or configured threshold values syslog Critical, Major
System memory utilization System memory utilization has exceeded the default or configured threshold values syslog Critical, Major
Versa Analytics driver stuck Versa Analytics Driver is not functioning syslog Critical

Configure Analytics Alarms

By default, Analytics alarms are enabled. You can set values for the alarms.

To set Analytics alarm values:

  1. In Director mode, select the Analytics tab in the top menu bar.
  2. Select Administration  > Configurations > Log Collector Exporter in the left menu bar.
  3. Select the System tab, and then select Alarm Settings.

  4. Configure the desired alarm settings.

To configure Analytics alarms from the CLI, issue the set log-collector-exporter settings alarms command. For example:

versa@versa-analytics% set log-collector-exporter settings alarms
Possible completions:
  cpu-utilization                    - Versa Analytics system CPU utilization threshold alarm
  disk-utilization                   - Versa Analytics system disk utilization threshold alarm
  driver-stuck                       - Versa Analytics driver stuck
  memory-utilization                 - Versa Analytics system memory utilization threshold alarm
  remote-collector-down              - Remote collector down alarm
  remote-collector-queue-utilization - Remote collector queue utilization threshold alarm

The following example shows how to set the CPU utilization alarm:

versa@versa-analytics% set log-collector-exporter settings alarms cpu-utilization
Possible completions:
  disable        - Disable alarm
  high-severity  - Override high-threshold alarm severity
  high-threshold - High threshold (in percentage)
  low-severity   - Override low-threshold alarm severity
  low-threshold  - Low threshold (in percentage)
  soak-time      - Soak period before alarm is reported, in seconds

View Alarm Logs

In order to view alarms in on a Director node, you must configure on the Analytics node a remote collector configuration for alarms towards the Director node. For more information, see Configure Log Collectors and Log Exporter Rules.

To view the alarm logs on a Director node, select the Monitor tab in the top menu bar:


To view alarm logs from the Analytics node CLI, issue the show alarms command:

versa@versa-analytics> show alarms
Possible completions:
  all    - Show all alarms from /var/log/alarms.log
  last-n - Pick newest N alarms

For example:


Stream Analytics Alarms to Third-Party Remote Collectors

You can stream stream Analytics alarms to third-part remote collectors. For more information, see Configure Log Collectors and Log Exporter Rules.

On Analytics and search nodes that have no local collector configuration, you must configure a dummy local collector and exporter rules along with the remote collector in order to stream Versa analytics alarms to remote collectors.

Supported Software Information

Releases 21.2.1 and later support all content described in this article.

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