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Versa Networks

Configure Core Profiles

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You configure a core profile to associate a traffic flow with a CPU. In the core profile, you define core classes, which you can use to prioritize traffic flows by anchoring a particular type of traffic to a set of cores. Core anchoring can be useful for voice-heavy applications. Core anchoring allow you to fine-tune performance on Versa Operating SystemTM (VOSTM) devices for latency-sensitive applications. Setting an anchor core class overrides the Flow default Core Class allocation to Traffic Core Class (0-3) or User Core Class (4-7) so that you can configure more detailed flow anchoring to specific worker threads only.

To direct traffic to a core profile, you configure traffic match conditions in a QoS policy. For more information, see Configure CoS.

Each VOS device has a default core profile. You can modify this core profile.

To modify a core profile:

  1. In Director view:
    1. Select the Administration tab in the top menu bar.
    2. Select the Appliances tab in the left menu bar.

    3. Select a VOS device in the main pane. The view changes to Appliance view.
  2. Select Others > System > Configuration > Core Profile in the left menu bar.

  3. Click the edit_icon.pngEdit icon to edit the core profile and select the core classes.
  4. Click the Traffic Classes tab. The screen displays columns for core classes Core Class 0 through Core Class 3, which are the core classes that are configured in the default core profile. These four core classes map directly to the traffic classes—network control, expedited forwarding, assured forwarding, and best effort—that are configured in QoS policies. If no QoS polices are configured, all traffic is places in the best effort class. At the system level, each core class must be associated with a worker thread. To change the default core profile, select the desired worker thread for each core class.

  5. Click the User Core Classes tab. The screen displays columns for core classes Core Class 4 through Core Class 7, which are user-defined core classes. To use these four core classes, you configure an action in a QoS policy that directs traffic to these core classes. Such an action overrides any traffic class mapping based on QoS profile. To define custom core classes, select the desired worker thread for each core class.

  6. Click OK.

Supported Software Information

Releases 20.2 and later support all content described in this article.

Additional Information

Configure CoS