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Versa Networks


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SD-WAN logs report information about SD-WAN branches, circuits, and SLAs, and about SD-WAN rules and paths.

SD-WAN Access Circuit CoS Logs

Class of service (CoS) logs are sent when you configure shaping and enable logging on an SD-WAN link.

CoS Log Message Format

2017-12-02T05:01:32+0000 sdwanAccCktCosLog, applianceName=Branch1, tenantName=Customer1, 
localAccCktId=2, localAccCktName=MPLS, localSiteId=101, localSiteName=Branch1, 
applianceId=0, tenantId=1, cosEfTx=0, cosBeTx=232910, cosEfTxDrop=0, cosBeTxDrop=0, 
duration=60009, cosNcTx=173546, cosAfTx=0, cosNcTxDrop=0, cosAfTxDrop=0

CoS Log Message Fields

Field Description

Name of the Versa Operating SystemTM (VOSTM) device. This is the name displayed in the output of the show system identification CLI command on the VOS device.

tenantName Name of the organization (tenant).
applianceId VOS device identifier.
tenantId Tenant identifier. This value is allocated internally by the VOS device.
localAccCktId Local SD-WAN link or access circuit identifier. This value is allocated internally by the local branch.

Local SD-WAN link name configured on the local branch. CoS is enabled on this SD-WAN link.

localSiteId Local SD-WAN site identifier.

Local SD-WAN site name on which CoS is enabled.

cosEfTx Number of expedited forwarding (EF) bytes transmitted.
cosBeTx Number of best effort (BE) bytes transmitted.
cosNcTx Number of network control (NC) bytes transmitted.
cosAfTx Number of assured forwarding (AF) bytes transmitted.
cosEfDrop Number of expedited forwarding (EF) bytes dropped.
cosBeDrop Number of best effort (BE) bytes dropped.
cosNcDrop Number of network control (NC) bytes dropped.
cosAfDrop Number of assured forwarding (AF) bytes dropped.

SD-WAN Branch Information Logs

SD-WAN Branch Information Message Format

2017-03-01T23:24:26+0000 sdwanBranchInfoLog, applianceName=Branch2, tenantName=Customer1, 
localSiteId=102, localSiteName=Branch2, location=Austin:TX: USA, latitude=30.271129, 
longitude=-97.743699, creationTime=1488410645, applianceId=0, tenantId=2, siteType=

SD-WAN Branch Information Message Fields

Field Description
applianceName Name of the VOS device. This is the name displayed in the output of the show system identification CLI command on the VOS device.
tenantName Name of the organization (tenant).

Identifier of the local SD-WAN site.


Name of the local SD-WAN site name that generated the alarm.


Location of the SD-WAN site.

Latitude Latitude of the SD-WAN site.
Longitude Longitude of the SD-WAN site.

Time when the SD-WAN site last restarted, in UNIX epoch time format.

applianceId VOS device identifier. This field is not used.
tenantId Tenant identifier. This value is allocated internally by the VOS device.
siteType Type of SD-WAN site. It can be branch or controller.

SD-WAN Branch-to-Branch SLA Measurement Logs

SD-WAN branch-to-branch SLA measurement logs provide path-level SLA metrics. The following log types define a path:

  • Forwarding class
  • Local site
  • Local SD-WAN link
  • Remote site
  • Remote SD-WAN link

SLA Measurement Log Message Format

2017-02-28T17:49:27+0000 sdwanB2BSlamLog, applianceName=Branch1, tenantName=Customer1, 
localAccCktId=1, localAccCktName=BroadBand, remoteAccCktId=1, remoteAccCktName=C2-Broadband, 
localSiteId=101, localSiteName=Branch1, remoteSiteId=2, remoteSiteName=Controller2, 
fwdClass=fc_be, applianceId=0, tenantId=2, delay=0, fwdDelayVar=0, revDelayVar=0, fwdLoss=0, 
revLoss=0, fwdLossRatio=0, revLossRatio=0, pduLossRatio=100, fwdSent=0, revSent=0

SLA Measurement Log Message Fields

Field Description

Name of the VOS device. This is the name displayed in the output of the show system identification CLI command on the VOS device.

tenantName Name of the organization (tenant).
localAccCktId Local SD-WAN link or access circuit identifier. This value is allocated internally by the local branch.

Local SD-WAN link name configured on the local branch.


Remote SD-WAN link or access circuit identifier. This value is allocated internally by the remote branch.


Remote SD-WAN link name configured on the remote branch.


For SD-WAN path-level SLA metrics, identifier of the local SD-WAN site.


For SD-WAN path-level SLA metrics, local SD-WAN site name that generated the path.

remoteSiteId Identifier of the remote SD-WAN site or branch.
remoteSiteName Remote SD-WAN site name that generated the path-level SLA measurement log.
Forwarding Class Forwarding class for which SLA metrics are obtained. Values include:
  • fc_af—Assured forwarding
  • fc_be—Best effort
  • fc_ef—Expedited forwarding
  • fc_nc—Network control
applianceId VOS device identifier. This field is not used.
tenantId Tenant identifier. This value is allocated internally by the VOS device.
Delay Two-way delay, in milliseconds.
fwdDelayVar Forward delay variation, in milliseconds.
revDelayVar Reverse delay variation, in milliseconds.
fwdLoss Forward loss, in packets, which reports the actual traffic loss in the forward direction.
revLoss Reverse loss, in packets, which reports the actual traffic loss in the reverse direction.
fwdLossRatio Percentage of traffic lost in the forward direction.
revLossRatio Percentage of traffic lost in the reverse direction.
pduLossRatio Percentage of SLA PDUs lost. These are synthetic PDUs.
fwdSent Number of packets sent in the forward direction.
revSent Number of packes sent in the reverse direction.

SD-WAN Health Information Logs

For Releases 21.2.1 and later.

SD-WAN Health Information Log Message Format

Jun 12 02:24:52 2023-06-12T02: 24:00+0000 sdwanHealthlog, applianceName=SDWAN-Controller2, 
tenantName=Tenant1, generateTime=1686536700, tenantId=2, applianceId=0, vsnId=0, duration=300000, 
pathsUp=38, pathsDown=16, pathsNoConf=0, rmtSitesUp=1, rmtSitesDown=0, allRmtSitesDown=0, 
allRmtSitesDownTime=0, svcUptime=2333781, allLclCktDown=0

SD-WAN Health Information Log Message Fields

Field Description
applianceName Name of the VOS device.
tenantName Name of tenant this log refers to.
generateTime Time, in ticks, when appliance generated the log.
tenantId Tenant identifier. This value is allocated internally by the VOS device.
applianceId This field is for internal use only.

Identifier for virtual service node local to the device.

duration Configured time in milliseconds between log generation.
pathsUp Number of paths on the device in the Up state.
pathsDown Number of paths on the device in the Down state.

Number of paths with no configuration. A value is assigned to this field if the SLA path policy configuration is missing for any of the WAN interfaces.


Number of remote sites with connectivity to this device.

rmtSitesDown Number of remote sites with no connectivity to this device.

In the last measurement interval, the number of times all remote site down events were seen by the local site.


In the last measurement interval, all remote sites were down for the given number of seconds.

svcUptime Service uptime for this device.

This field is not used.

SD-WAN Link Bandwidth Monitoring Logs

Bandwidth Monitoring Log Message Format

2017-02-28T18:19:49+0000 bwMonLog, applianceName=Branch1, tenantName=Customer1, generateTime=1488306000, 
tenantId=2, vsnId=0, sentOctets=252992, recvdOctets=198960, sessCnt=0, mstatsType=sdwan-acc-ckt-bw-mon-stats, 
duration=300032, siteName=Branch1, accCktName=MPLS, siteId=101, accCktId=2

Bandwidth Monitoring Log Message Fields

Field Description

Name of the VOS device. This is the name displayed in the output of the show system identification CLI command on the VOS device.

tenantName Name of the organization (tenant).
generateTime Time when the log was generated, in UNIX epoch time format.
tenantId Tenant identifier. This value is allocated internally by the VOS device.
vsnId Identifier of the virtual service node, or virtual machine (VM).
sentOctets Bytes sent in the last measurement interval.
recvdOctets Bytes received in the last measurement interval.
sessCnt Sessions created in the last measurement interval.
mStatsType Type of statistics used to measure access circuit bandwidth.

Name of the SD-WAN site that generated the log.


SD-WAN link name configured on the branch. To display the site link name, issue the following command from the CLI on the branch:

admin@Branch1-cli(config)% show system sd-wan site wan-interfaces
vni-0/0.0 { 
    inet { 
        circuit-name BroadBand

vni-0/1.0 { 
    inet {        

        circuit-name MPLS


SD-WANsiteidentifier. To display the site identifier, issue the following command from the CLI on the branch:

admin@Branch1-cli(config)% show system sd-wan site

{    site-id      101; }  


SD-WAN link or access circuit identifier. This value is allocated internally by the branch.

SD-WAN Policy Rule Monitoring Logs

You can obtain logs about SD-WAN traffic-steering policy and rule usage for SD-WAN links when you configure the bw-mon-log log type. The logs for policy rules are reported in the bwMonLog alarm type with the mstatsType field set to sdwan-rule-bw-mon-stats. The statistics for these alarms do not include encapsulation overhead.

SD-WAN Policy Rule Log Message Format

2017-12-01T06:00:00+0000 bwMonLog, applianceName=Site3Branch1, tenantName=Customer1, generateTime=1512108000, 
tenantId=2, vsnId=0, sentOctets=125244, recvdOctets=125244, sessCnt=0, mstatsType=sdwan-rule-bw-mon-stats, 
duration=300031, siteName=Site3Branch1, accCktName=ISPA-Network, ruleName=Rule_RTP

SD-WAN Policy Rule Log Message Fields

Field Description

Name of the VOS device. This is the name displayed in the output of the show system identification CLI command on the VOS device.

tenantName Name of the organization (tenant).
generateTime Time when the log was generated, in UNIX epoch time format.
tenantId Tenant identifier. This value is allocated internally by the VOS device.
vsnId Identifier of the virtual service node, or VM.
sentOctets Number of bytes sent in the last measurement interval.
recvdOctets Number of bytes received in the last measurement interval.
sessCnt Number of sessions hitting the rule in the last measurement interval.

Type of monitoring statistics used to measure rule usage for each access circuit.


Name of the SD-WAN site that generated the alarm.


SD-WAN link name configured on the branch.


Name of the SD-WAN rule for which traffic usage in the last measurement interval is being reported.

SD-WAN Policy Rule Path Usage Monitoring Logs

You can obtain logs about SD-WAN traffic-steering policy and rule usage for SD-WAN links when you configure the bw-mon-log log type. The logs for policy rule path usage are reported in the bwMonLog alarm type, with the mstatsType field set to sdwan-rule-path-bw-mon-stats. The statistics for these alarms do not include encapsulation overhead.

SD-WAN Policy Rule Path Usage Log Message Format

2017-12-01T06:00:00+0000 bwMonLog, applianceName=Site3Branch1, tenantName=Customer1, generateTime=1512108000, 
tenantId=2, vsnId=0, sentOctets=125580, recvdOctets=125580, sessCnt=0, mstatsType=sdwan-rule-path-bw-mon-stats, 
duration=300031, localSiteName=Site3Branch1, localAccCktName=ISPA-Network, remoteSiteName=Site2Branch1, 
remoteAccCktName=ISPA-Network, ruleName=Rule_RTP

SD-WAN Policy Rule Path Usage Log Message Fields

Field Description

Name of the VOS device. This is the name displayed in the output of the show system identification CLI command on the VOS device.

tenantName Name of the organization (tenant).
generateTime Time when the log was generated, in UNIX epoch time format.
tenantId Tenant identifier. This value is allocated internally by the VOS device.
vsnId Identifier of the virtual service node, or VM.
sentOctets Number of bytes sent in the last measurement interval.
recvdOctets Number of bytes received in the last measurement interval.

Number of sessions hitting the rule in the last measurement interval.


Type of statistics used to measure rule usage for each rule path.


Local SD-WAN site name that generated the path.


Local SD-WAN link name configured on the local branch.

remoteSiteName Remote SD-WAN site name that generated the rule path.

Remote SD-WAN link name configured on the remote branch.


Name of the SD-WAN rule for which traffic usage in the last measurement interval is being reported.

SD-WAN WAN Link Information Logs

SD-WAN WAN Link Information Message Format

2017-03-01T23:11:54+0000 sdwanAccCktInfoLog, applianceName=Branch2, tenantName=Customer1, localAccCktId=2, 
localAccCktName=MPLS, accCktBW=0, localAccCktIp=, localSiteId=102, localSiteName=Branch2, 
applianceId=0, tenantId=2, uplinkBw=1000000, downlinkBw=1000000

SD-WAN WAN Link Information Message Fields

Field Description
applianceName Name of the VOS device. This is the name displayed in the output of the show system identification CLI command on the VOS device.
tenantName Name of the organization (tenant).

Identifier of the local SD-WAN link or access circuit. This value is allocated internally by the local branch.


Local SD-WAN link name as configured on the local branch.

accCktBw This field is deprecated.

Local SD-WAN link IP address as configured on the local branch.


Identifier of the local SD-WAN site.


Local SD-WAN site name as configured on the local branch.

applianceId VOS device identifier. This field is not used.
tenantId Tenant identifier. This value is allocated internally by the VOS device.
uplinkBw Maximum configured uplink bandwidth.
downlinkBw Maximum configured downlink bandwidth.

Supported Software Information

Releases 20.2 and later support all content described in this article, except:

  • Release 21.2.1 adds support for log type sdwanHealthLog.
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