For supported software information, click here.
SD-WAN logs report information about SD-WAN branches, circuits, and SLAs, and about SD-WAN rules and paths.
SD-WAN Access Circuit CoS Logs
Class of service (CoS) logs are sent when you configure shaping and enable logging on an SD-WAN link.
CoS Log Message Format
2017-12-02T05:01:32+0000 sdwanAccCktCosLog, applianceName=Branch1, tenantName=Customer1, localAccCktId=2, localAccCktName=MPLS, localSiteId=101, localSiteName=Branch1, applianceId=0, tenantId=1, cosEfTx=0, cosBeTx=232910, cosEfTxDrop=0, cosBeTxDrop=0, duration=60009, cosNcTx=173546, cosAfTx=0, cosNcTxDrop=0, cosAfTxDrop=0
CoS Log Message Fields
Field | Description |
applianceName |
Name of the Versa Operating SystemTM (VOSTM) device. This is the name displayed in the output of the show system identification CLI command on the VOS device. |
tenantName | Name of the organization (tenant). |
applianceId | VOS device identifier. |
tenantId | Tenant identifier. This value is allocated internally by the VOS device. |
localAccCktId | Local SD-WAN link or access circuit identifier. This value is allocated internally by the local branch. |
localAccCktName |
Local SD-WAN link name configured on the local branch. CoS is enabled on this SD-WAN link. |
localSiteId | Local SD-WAN site identifier. |
localSiteName |
Local SD-WAN site name on which CoS is enabled. |
cosEfTx | Number of expedited forwarding (EF) bytes transmitted. |
cosBeTx | Number of best effort (BE) bytes transmitted. |
cosNcTx | Number of network control (NC) bytes transmitted. |
cosAfTx | Number of assured forwarding (AF) bytes transmitted. |
cosEfDrop | Number of expedited forwarding (EF) bytes dropped. |
cosBeDrop | Number of best effort (BE) bytes dropped. |
cosNcDrop | Number of network control (NC) bytes dropped. |
cosAfDrop | Number of assured forwarding (AF) bytes dropped. |
SD-WAN Branch Information Logs
SD-WAN Branch Information Message Format
2017-03-01T23:24:26+0000 sdwanBranchInfoLog, applianceName=Branch2, tenantName=Customer1, localSiteId=102, localSiteName=Branch2, location=Austin:TX: USA, latitude=30.271129, longitude=-97.743699, creationTime=1488410645, applianceId=0, tenantId=2, siteType=
SD-WAN Branch Information Message Fields
Field | Description |
applianceName | Name of the VOS device. This is the name displayed in the output of the show system identification CLI command on the VOS device. |
tenantName | Name of the organization (tenant). |
localSiteId |
Identifier of the local SD-WAN site. |
localSiteName |
Name of the local SD-WAN site name that generated the alarm. |
Location |
Location of the SD-WAN site. |
Latitude | Latitude of the SD-WAN site. |
Longitude | Longitude of the SD-WAN site. |
creationTime |
Time when the SD-WAN site last restarted, in UNIX epoch time format. |
applianceId | VOS device identifier. This field is not used. |
tenantId | Tenant identifier. This value is allocated internally by the VOS device. |
siteType | Type of SD-WAN site. It can be branch or controller. |
SD-WAN Branch-to-Branch SLA Measurement Logs
SD-WAN branch-to-branch SLA measurement logs provide path-level SLA metrics. The following log types define a path:
- Forwarding class
- Local site
- Local SD-WAN link
- Remote site
- Remote SD-WAN link
SLA Measurement Log Message Format
2017-02-28T17:49:27+0000 sdwanB2BSlamLog, applianceName=Branch1, tenantName=Customer1, localAccCktId=1, localAccCktName=BroadBand, remoteAccCktId=1, remoteAccCktName=C2-Broadband, localSiteId=101, localSiteName=Branch1, remoteSiteId=2, remoteSiteName=Controller2, fwdClass=fc_be, applianceId=0, tenantId=2, delay=0, fwdDelayVar=0, revDelayVar=0, fwdLoss=0, revLoss=0, fwdLossRatio=0, revLossRatio=0, pduLossRatio=100, fwdSent=0, revSent=0
SLA Measurement Log Message Fields
Field | Description |
applianceName |
Name of the VOS device. This is the name displayed in the output of the show system identification CLI command on the VOS device. |
tenantName | Name of the organization (tenant). |
localAccCktId | Local SD-WAN link or access circuit identifier. This value is allocated internally by the local branch. |
localAccCktName |
Local SD-WAN link name configured on the local branch. |
remoteAccCktId |
Remote SD-WAN link or access circuit identifier. This value is allocated internally by the remote branch. |
remoteAccCktName |
Remote SD-WAN link name configured on the remote branch. |
localSiteId |
For SD-WAN path-level SLA metrics, identifier of the local SD-WAN site. |
localSiteName |
For SD-WAN path-level SLA metrics, local SD-WAN site name that generated the path. |
remoteSiteId | Identifier of the remote SD-WAN site or branch. |
remoteSiteName | Remote SD-WAN site name that generated the path-level SLA measurement log. |
Forwarding Class | Forwarding class for which SLA metrics are obtained. Values include:
applianceId | VOS device identifier. This field is not used. |
tenantId | Tenant identifier. This value is allocated internally by the VOS device. |
Delay | Two-way delay, in milliseconds. |
fwdDelayVar | Forward delay variation, in milliseconds. |
revDelayVar | Reverse delay variation, in milliseconds. |
fwdLoss | Forward loss, in packets, which reports the actual traffic loss in the forward direction. |
revLoss | Reverse loss, in packets, which reports the actual traffic loss in the reverse direction. |
fwdLossRatio | Percentage of traffic lost in the forward direction. |
revLossRatio | Percentage of traffic lost in the reverse direction. |
pduLossRatio | Percentage of SLA PDUs lost. These are synthetic PDUs. |
fwdSent | Number of packets sent in the forward direction. |
revSent | Number of packes sent in the reverse direction. |
SD-WAN Health Information Logs
For Releases 21.2.1 and later.
SD-WAN Health Information Log Message Format
Jun 12 02:24:52 2023-06-12T02: 24:00+0000 sdwanHealthlog, applianceName=SDWAN-Controller2, tenantName=Tenant1, generateTime=1686536700, tenantId=2, applianceId=0, vsnId=0, duration=300000, pathsUp=38, pathsDown=16, pathsNoConf=0, rmtSitesUp=1, rmtSitesDown=0, allRmtSitesDown=0, allRmtSitesDownTime=0, svcUptime=2333781, allLclCktDown=0
SD-WAN Health Information Log Message Fields
Field | Description |
applianceName | Name of the VOS device. |
tenantName | Name of tenant this log refers to. |
generateTime | Time, in ticks, when appliance generated the log. |
tenantId | Tenant identifier. This value is allocated internally by the VOS device. |
applianceId | This field is for internal use only. |
vsnId |
Identifier for virtual service node local to the device. |
duration | Configured time in milliseconds between log generation. |
pathsUp | Number of paths on the device in the Up state. |
pathsDown | Number of paths on the device in the Down state. |
pathsNoConf |
Number of paths with no configuration. A value is assigned to this field if the SLA path policy configuration is missing for any of the WAN interfaces. |
rmtSitesUp |
Number of remote sites with connectivity to this device. |
rmtSitesDown | Number of remote sites with no connectivity to this device. |
allRmtSitesDown |
In the last measurement interval, the number of times all remote site down events were seen by the local site. |
allRmtSitesDownTime |
In the last measurement interval, all remote sites were down for the given number of seconds. |
svcUptime | Service uptime for this device. |
allLclCktDown |
This field is not used. |
SD-WAN Link Bandwidth Monitoring Logs
Bandwidth Monitoring Log Message Format
2017-02-28T18:19:49+0000 bwMonLog, applianceName=Branch1, tenantName=Customer1, generateTime=1488306000, tenantId=2, vsnId=0, sentOctets=252992, recvdOctets=198960, sessCnt=0, mstatsType=sdwan-acc-ckt-bw-mon-stats, duration=300032, siteName=Branch1, accCktName=MPLS, siteId=101, accCktId=2
Bandwidth Monitoring Log Message Fields
Field | Description |
applianceName |
Name of the VOS device. This is the name displayed in the output of the show system identification CLI command on the VOS device. |
tenantName | Name of the organization (tenant). |
generateTime | Time when the log was generated, in UNIX epoch time format. |
tenantId | Tenant identifier. This value is allocated internally by the VOS device. |
vsnId | Identifier of the virtual service node, or virtual machine (VM). |
sentOctets | Bytes sent in the last measurement interval. |
recvdOctets | Bytes received in the last measurement interval. |
sessCnt | Sessions created in the last measurement interval. |
mStatsType | Type of statistics used to measure access circuit bandwidth. |
siteName |
Name of the SD-WAN site that generated the log. |
accCktName |
SD-WAN link name configured on the branch. To display the site link name, issue the following command from the CLI on the branch: admin@Branch1-cli(config)% show system sd-wan site wan-interfaces circuit-name MPLS; |
siteId |
SD-WANsiteidentifier. To display the site identifier, issue the following command from the CLI on the branch: admin@Branch1-cli(config)% show system sd-wan site { site-id 101; } |
accCktId |
SD-WAN link or access circuit identifier. This value is allocated internally by the branch. |
SD-WAN Policy Rule Monitoring Logs
You can obtain logs about SD-WAN traffic-steering policy and rule usage for SD-WAN links when you configure the bw-mon-log log type. The logs for policy rules are reported in the bwMonLog alarm type with the mstatsType field set to sdwan-rule-bw-mon-stats. The statistics for these alarms do not include encapsulation overhead.
SD-WAN Policy Rule Log Message Format
2017-12-01T06:00:00+0000 bwMonLog, applianceName=Site3Branch1, tenantName=Customer1, generateTime=1512108000, tenantId=2, vsnId=0, sentOctets=125244, recvdOctets=125244, sessCnt=0, mstatsType=sdwan-rule-bw-mon-stats, duration=300031, siteName=Site3Branch1, accCktName=ISPA-Network, ruleName=Rule_RTP
SD-WAN Policy Rule Log Message Fields
Field | Description |
applianceName |
Name of the VOS device. This is the name displayed in the output of the show system identification CLI command on the VOS device. |
tenantName | Name of the organization (tenant). |
generateTime | Time when the log was generated, in UNIX epoch time format. |
tenantId | Tenant identifier. This value is allocated internally by the VOS device. |
vsnId | Identifier of the virtual service node, or VM. |
sentOctets | Number of bytes sent in the last measurement interval. |
recvdOctets | Number of bytes received in the last measurement interval. |
sessCnt | Number of sessions hitting the rule in the last measurement interval. |
mStatsType |
Type of monitoring statistics used to measure rule usage for each access circuit. |
siteName |
Name of the SD-WAN site that generated the alarm. |
accCktName |
SD-WAN link name configured on the branch. |
ruleName |
Name of the SD-WAN rule for which traffic usage in the last measurement interval is being reported. |
SD-WAN Policy Rule Path Usage Monitoring Logs
You can obtain logs about SD-WAN traffic-steering policy and rule usage for SD-WAN links when you configure the bw-mon-log log type. The logs for policy rule path usage are reported in the bwMonLog alarm type, with the mstatsType field set to sdwan-rule-path-bw-mon-stats. The statistics for these alarms do not include encapsulation overhead.
SD-WAN Policy Rule Path Usage Log Message Format
2017-12-01T06:00:00+0000 bwMonLog, applianceName=Site3Branch1, tenantName=Customer1, generateTime=1512108000, tenantId=2, vsnId=0, sentOctets=125580, recvdOctets=125580, sessCnt=0, mstatsType=sdwan-rule-path-bw-mon-stats, duration=300031, localSiteName=Site3Branch1, localAccCktName=ISPA-Network, remoteSiteName=Site2Branch1, remoteAccCktName=ISPA-Network, ruleName=Rule_RTP
SD-WAN Policy Rule Path Usage Log Message Fields
Field | Description |
applianceName |
Name of the VOS device. This is the name displayed in the output of the show system identification CLI command on the VOS device. |
tenantName | Name of the organization (tenant). |
generateTime | Time when the log was generated, in UNIX epoch time format. |
tenantId | Tenant identifier. This value is allocated internally by the VOS device. |
vsnId | Identifier of the virtual service node, or VM. |
sentOctets | Number of bytes sent in the last measurement interval. |
recvdOctets | Number of bytes received in the last measurement interval. |
sessCnt |
Number of sessions hitting the rule in the last measurement interval. |
mStatsType |
Type of statistics used to measure rule usage for each rule path. |
localSiteName |
Local SD-WAN site name that generated the path. |
localAccCktName |
Local SD-WAN link name configured on the local branch. |
remoteSiteName | Remote SD-WAN site name that generated the rule path. |
remoteAccCktName |
Remote SD-WAN link name configured on the remote branch. |
ruleName |
Name of the SD-WAN rule for which traffic usage in the last measurement interval is being reported. |
SD-WAN WAN Link Information Logs
SD-WAN WAN Link Information Message Format
2017-03-01T23:11:54+0000 sdwanAccCktInfoLog, applianceName=Branch2, tenantName=Customer1, localAccCktId=2, localAccCktName=MPLS, accCktBW=0, localAccCktIp=, localSiteId=102, localSiteName=Branch2, applianceId=0, tenantId=2, uplinkBw=1000000, downlinkBw=1000000
SD-WAN WAN Link Information Message Fields
Field | Description |
applianceName | Name of the VOS device. This is the name displayed in the output of the show system identification CLI command on the VOS device. |
tenantName | Name of the organization (tenant). |
localAccCktId |
Identifier of the local SD-WAN link or access circuit. This value is allocated internally by the local branch. |
localAccCktName |
Local SD-WAN link name as configured on the local branch. |
accCktBw | This field is deprecated. |
localAccCktIP |
Local SD-WAN link IP address as configured on the local branch. |
localSiteId |
Identifier of the local SD-WAN site. |
localSiteName |
Local SD-WAN site name as configured on the local branch. |
applianceId | VOS device identifier. This field is not used. |
tenantId | Tenant identifier. This value is allocated internally by the VOS device. |
uplinkBw | Maximum configured uplink bandwidth. |
downlinkBw | Maximum configured downlink bandwidth. |
Supported Software Information
Releases 20.2 and later support all content described in this article, except:
- Release 21.2.1 adds support for log type sdwanHealthLog.