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Versa Networks

EIP Logs

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Versa Operating SystemTM (VOSTM) devices export endpoint information profile (EIP) logs when an EIP profile is associated with a policy rule for the following types of policies:

  • Decryption
  • Microsementation
  • SD-WAN
  • Secure access gateway
  • Security


EIP Log Message Format

2024-03-27T16:51:08+0000 eipUserProfLog, applianceName=Branch1, tenantName=Tenant1, tenantId=1, 
vsnId=0, applianceId=0, userName=robert, tunnelIp=, eipProfileName=defender-realtime-profile, 
eipRuleName=realtime-on, eipHostName=DESKTOP-IAQIB88, friendlyUserName=Robert

EIP Log Message Fields

Field Description
applianceName Name of the VOS device. This is the name displayed in the output of the show system identification branch CLI command.
tenantName Name of the organization (tenant).


Tenant identifier. This value is allocated internally by the VOS device.
vsnId Identifier of the virtual service node, or VM.
applianceId VOS device identifier. This field is not used.
userName Username associated with the EIP.
tunnelIp Tunnel IP address.
eipProfileName Name of the EIP profile associated with the policy.
eipRuleName Name of the EIP rule.
eipHostName Host name of the endpoint device.
friendlyUserName (For Releases 22.1.4 and later.) Username displayed in reports instead of the value from the userName field. If no friendly username is available, reports display an empty username.


Supported Software Information

Releases 22.1.3 and later support all content described in this article except:

  • Release 22.1.4 adds the friendlyUserName field.
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